Celebrate Rocks, Minerals & Gems in Greensboro NC
GGMC Rockhounds
The Greensboro Gem and Mineral Club, Inc. was founded in 1954 and became a non-profit corporation in June 1999. The objectives of the Club are to promote interest and knowledge of gems, minerals, fossils, and Earth Sciences. It also provides instruction and information pertaining to rock-hounding and lapidary arts and crafts. These objectives are achieved through club field trips, classes, workshops, and regular Club meetings.
GGMC Meetings
Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the first Monday of each month (except holidays)
Guilford Park Presbyterian Fellowship Hall
2100 Fernwood Drive
Greensboro, NC 27408
Visitors & Guests are welcome!
GGMC Directions
Click to go to our interactive maps page for directions to our monthly meeting location.
Click Here for Maps Page
Come share the passion.